Geek running

I’m not a natural runner. I’m reasonably fit given that I spend most of the day sat in my chair, mainly due to the fact I’ll always walk rather than drive if it is possible, but I’m one of my gym’s best members – pay every month and rarely use the facilities.

When I do run I look like a twit. I managed to avoid most sport at school and concentrated on dance, yet I become bizarrely uncoordinated when running, as if I’ve suddenly been blessed with additional arms and legs to keep in check.

Given the above two pieces of information, it may surprise you to know that I’ve signed up to do a 10K run on October 14th. However the cause is The Prince’s Trust, and I may never have started had it not been for the Trust’s support, so I think I owe it to them to get out of my chair and round the course, trying to raise some funds – and maybe get a bit fitter in the process.

I ran 4K during a fight with a treadmill in the gym today and am still alive but I have some way to go if I’m actually going to run the full 10K in October. Advice from the athletically-inclined appreciated – or go to JustGiving to sponsor me.


lewro July 29, 2007 Reply

What city will be the run in? I might run as well.Last year I took part in Sport Relief but you cannot really call that running.Can you? So I am looking for something where I can actually run :o)… and it should be for charity.

Paul July 30, 2007 Reply

The Couch-to-5K running plan worked really well for me.

It’s a bit counterintuitive, but if you don’t start out focussing on how far you can run non-stop and walk a bit instead, then you get your body used to exertion over a long period of time without burning out.

Good luck!

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